19 Sept 2013


Samsung Confirms BBM™ on Galaxy Smartphones

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Samsung today confirmed that when BBM™, the
mobile social network, launches for Android
smartphones on the 21st September 2013, it
will be available as a free download for Samsung
Galaxy smartphones across Africa from the
Google Play store.
“We are pleased to officially announce that BBM
will be available for Samsung Galaxy
smartphones across Africa,” said
EmmanouilRevmatas, Director of Hand Held
Products, Samsung Electronics West Africa. “We
are focused on driving consumer experiences
based on customisation to suit every lifestyle. By
offering an additional messaging service through
our Samsung Messaging Hub, it has never been
easier to stay connected. This is another way
that we are providing our customers with a
more integrated lifestyle experience and a
powerful new way of communicating and
sharing. It’s really about giving the African
market what they want – and what they want is
Samsung users will join a vibrant community of
60 million BlackBerry® smartphones customers
who rely on BBM to stay in touch with friends,
family and colleagues every day. Samsung
GALAXY smartphone users will have access to an
extensive range of BBM features, including BBM
chats and multi-person chats with BBM Groups,
as well as the ability to share photos and voice
notes. BBM will form part of Samsung’s
Messaging Hub as a complementary addition to
the current slate of propriety and third party
messaging services that Samsung customers
"We are excited to welcome Samsung
customers in Africa to the global BBM
community,” said Andrew Bocking, Executive
Vice President for BBM at BlackBerry. “Samsung
customers will enjoy the conversational
immediacy that BBM offers with the distinctive
‘R’ that lets you know your message has been
read. They'll also be pleased with the control
BBM gives them over their contact lists and how
they share their information. Every BBM
customer gets a unique PIN, so you don’t have
to give out your phone number or email address
to a new or casual contact."
BBM for Android can be downloaded for free
from the Google Play Store on 21st September
2013 and is compatible with GALAXY
smartphone devices that run Android 4.0 (Ice-
Cream Sandwich) and above.  Data charges may
apply, as determined by local operators and
service providers.
To download BBM or more information, please
visit www.BBM.com
For customer service or technical assistance

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10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Beer - Health

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1. Stronger Bones
Beer contains high levels of silicon, which
is linked to bone health. In a 2009 study
at Tufts University and other centers,
older men and women who swigged one
or two drinks daily had higher bone
density, with the greatest benefits found
in those who favored beer or wine.
However, downing more than two drinks
was linked to increased risk for fractures.
For the best bone-building benefits, reach
for pale ale, since a 2010 study of 100
types of beer from around the word
identified these brews as richest in silicon,
while light lagers and non-alcoholic beers
contained the least.
2. A Stronger Heart
A 2011 analysis of 16 earlier studies
involving more than 200,000 people,
conducted by researchers at Italy’s
Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura, found a 31
percent reduced risk of heart disease in
those who quaffed about a pint of beer
daily, while risk surged in those who
guzzled higher amounts of alcohol,
whether beer, wine, or spirits.
More than 100 studies also show that
moderate drinking trims risk of heart
attacks and dying from cardiovascular
disease by 25 to 40 percent, Harvard
reports. A beer or two a day can help
raise levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol
that helps keep arteries from getting
3. Healthier Kidneys
A study in Finland singled out beer among
other alcoholic drinks, finding that each
bottle of beer men drank daily lowered
their risk of developing kidney stones by
40 percent. One theory is that beer’s high
water content helped keep kidneys
working, since dehydration increases
kidney stone risk.
It’s also possible that the hops in beer
help curb leeching of calcium from bones;
that “lost” calcium also could end up in
the kidneys as stones.
4. Boosting Brain Health
A beer a day may help keep Alzheimer’s
disease and other dementia at bay,
researchers say.
A 2005 study tracking the health of
11,000 older women showed that
moderate drinkers (those who consumed
about one drink a day) lowered their risk
of mental decline by as much as 20
percent, compared to non-drinkers. In
addition, older women who downed a
drink a day scored as about 18 months
“younger,” on average, on tests of mental
skills than the non-drinkers.
5. Reduced Cancer Risk
A Portuguese study found that marinating
steak in beer eliminates almost 70 percent
of the carcinogens, called heterocyclic
amines (HCAs) produced when the meat
is pan-fried. Researchers theorize that
beer’s sugars help block HCAs from
Scientists also have found that beer and
wine contain about the same levels of
antioxidants, but the antioxidants are
different because the flavonoids found in
hops and grapes are different.
6. Boosting Vitamin Levels
A Dutch study, performed at the TNO
Nutrition and Food Research Institute,
found that beer-drinking participants had
30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6
levels in their blood than their non-
drinking counterparts, and twice as much
as wine drinkers. Beer also contains
vitamin B12 and folic acid.
7. Guarding Against Stroke
Researchers at the Harvard School of
Public Health found that moderate
amounts of alcohol, including beer, help
prevent blood clots that block blood flow
to the heart, neck and brain—the clots
that cause ischemic stroke, the most
common type.
8. Reduced Risk for Diabetes
Drink up: A 2011 Harvard study of about
38,000 middle-aged men found that
when those who only drank occasionally
raised their alcohol intake to one to two
beers or other drinks daily, their risk of
developing type 2 diabetes dropped by 25
percent. The researchers found no benefit
to quaffing more than two drinks. The
researchers found that alcohol increases
insulin sensitivity, thus helping protect
against diabetes.
9. Lower Blood Pressure
Wine is fine for your heart, but beer may
be even better: A Harvard study of 70,000
women ages 25 to 40 found that
moderate beer drinkers were less likely to
develop high blood pressure—a major
risk factor for heart attack—than women
who sipped wine or spirits.
10. Longer Life
In a 2005 review of 50 studies, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
reported that moderate drinkers live
longer. The USDA also estimates that
moderate drinking prevents about 26,000
deaths a year, due to lower rates of heart
disease, stroke, and diabetes.
These benefits appear to apply in other
countries as well, with an earlier study
reporting that, “if European beer drinkers
stopped imbibing, there would be a
decrease in life expectancy of two years—
and much unhappiness.”

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LINDA : Yay, it's my birthday today...and I feel so blessed! It's been an incredible journey for me and I love where my life's journey has brought me. I have a great family, great friends,...

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Riri uploaded this photo to instagram, with the caption: "What now?" Recently her bestie Katy Perry Said: "I think Rihanna always looks so fresh and I'm like, 'How do you do that? We all know...

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I Was One of The Reasons Why US Barred Nigeria from Visa lottery – Kemi Olunloyo

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Nigerians bombarded me with
questions today on why the visa
lottery ended. Did I not tell you that
I was one of the reason it was gonna
Why does America need Nigerians? Our
people have killed their wives. 17 Green
Card lottery winners were in the
bloodbath of wife killing across the
years in the USA, Nigerian youth are
continuously scamming Americans, our
people hate gays and lesbians and we
even have one terrorist over there
serving a life sentence.
So when I wrote the State department
in 2012 and posted the letter on
Facebook you were all cussing me out
that I am discouraging opportunities for
others. Come on, you guys ruined this
country for people like me that lived 30
years in America and came home to
violence in 2006 forcing me to flee back
thru Canada. The Canadians aren’t
wanted either. So now, Nigeria and
some other countries will no longer be
eligible to participate in the America
Diversity Visa lottery program. I am very
happy because it will give Nigerians the
opportunity to build their own country.
Information from the United States
Department of State sighted on Sunday
said Nigerians and citizens from few
other countries were not eligible for
The department said Nigeria was
excluded since over 50,000 Nigerians
had immigrated into the United States
in the last five years.
The department listed other countries
not eligible as Bangladesh, Brazil,
Canada, China (mainland-born),
Colombia, Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, El Salvador and Haiti.
Others are India, Jamaica, Mexico,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines,
South Korea, United Kingdom (except
Northern Ireland) and its dependent
territories, and Vietnam
However, many African countries would
continue to enjoy the lotto.
Ha! Ha! Stay home and fix your

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