3 Oct 2014



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A new video is reported to have been released to AP by Boko Haram men showing the beheading of a man said to be a military pilot who co-piloted the missing Naval air force jet....

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Transgender Woman Wants to be Man Again because Being a Woman is Exhausting

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A transsexual who had a £10,000 sex change on the
NHS to become a woman now wants the taxpayers to
foot the bill for a further £14,000 of surgery so she
can become a man again.
According to DailyMail, Chelsea Attonley, 30, who was
born a boy and called Matthew, said she now finds
being a woman 'exhausting', is tired of putting on
make-up and wearing heels, and now accepts that she
should always have stayed a man.
Chelsea said she had struggled with her identity while
growing and as a child she would dress up in
women's clothes. In her twenties she became a drag
queen known as Miss Malibu, drawing on glamour
model Katie Price's look for inspiration. An initial bid
for a sex change to become a woman was turned
down by a doctor, sending Chelsea into a spiral of
depression, she said.
But then the former drag queen, who copied Jordan's
style by wearing a blonde wig, mini skirts and stilettos,
had a chance meeting with her idol in a nightclub in
2007. The glamour model told her to 'go for it' and her
words inspired Chelsea to return to her GP and push
once again for the gender reassignment surgery,
costing £10,000.
But now, seven years after surgery to become a
woman, Chelsea wants to go back to being a man. She
is aiming to have a breast reduction on the NHS and
painful gender reassignment surgery to give her back a
penis at a total cost of £14,000.
Chelsea, now living in London, said:
'I have always longed to be a woman, but no amount
of surgery can give me an actual female body and I
feel like I am living a lie. It is exhausting putting on
make-up and wearing heels all the time. Even then, I
don't feel I look like a proper woman. I suffered from
depression and anxiety as a result of the hormones
too. I have realised it would be easier to stop fighting
the way I look naturally and accept that I was born a
man physically.
I thought the surgery would make me feel complete,
but it didn't. I knew deep down that, even though I
had had surgery, I had still been born a man. But I
tried my best to block out my feelings. No matter how
much make-up I put on or how I dressed, I knew
people would not know me as a real woman. It was
draining to constantly think about how to walk and
speak like a girl. I was fighting a losing battle. When
people found out about my past, they treated me like a
liar and a fake. I suffered from anxiety and depression.
Now I have decided I want to live as Matthew, I am
desperate to have my FF-cup boobs removed. I can't
afford to have them done privately, so I am hoping to
have the op on the NHS. I can't work at the moment
because I am too upset after what I have been
through. I am considering having penis reconstruction
too. I don't feel bad about the NHS paying for the
surgery as I don't consider it a choice. I need to have
these operations for the sake of my mental health. I am
lucky enough to live in a country where there is free
health care." Chelsea has already had testosterone
injections to begin her transition to becoming a man

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Do u know That Alcohol Could Reduce Sperm Quality....

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This might come as bad news for some alcoholics, but a study shows that drinking just five units of alcohol every week could reduce the quality of a man’s sperm and the more alcohol consumed,...

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MTV Africa releases their list of top 20 greatest Naija Songs of All Time

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MTV Africa just released their list of top 20 greatest
Naija songs of all time...and so many great songs are
missing. But check out their list and tell us if you agree
with it. To me, this list is more of the last 10 years
than 'of all time

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Liberia to prosecute national who took Ebola to US

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Liberian authorities say they will prosecute Eric
Duncan, the Liberian man diagnosed with Ebola in the
US once he finishes his treatment in America and
returns home.
"We wish him a speedy recovery; we await his arrival
in Liberia to face prosecution" Binyah Kesselly,
chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia
Airport Authority said.
Duncan is accused of lying to health officials when he
filled a questionnaire before leaving the country last
month saying that none of his relatives were sick. But
investigations by the health ministry showed he had
an Ebola infected relative whom he had taken to a
hospital on a wheelbarrow but was turned back from
the hospital after being told they lacked bed space for
his ill relative.
Duncan, said to be in a serious condition in a Dallas
hospital, is the 1st case of Ebola to be diagnosed on
US soil.

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