"Why I now go naked, cut my hair & stick my tongue out" -- Miley Cyrus reveals...
The former Disney's Hannah Montana ,
Miley Cyrus whose new lifestyle, awkward
fashion sense and wild behavior seems to get
everyone bothered, has finally explained
why she behaves the way she does.
“I’m very confident being naked,I feel that
stripping off is a way of expressing purity of
emotion. I want to be memorable.That’s
what my fans want too. Everyone’s talking
about me, waiting to see what I’m doing
next. And, yeah, I like things to be bright and
colorful and fun, but then I make “Wrecking
Ball”, which is darker and grey. And then I’ll
maybe go back to running around being
crazy. I want to keep people guessing.
trying to break out of that long hair, big
boobs stereotype that women feel they have
to conform to. I mean, we’re not living in
the freakin’ 1950s – short hair is OK. Have
people really got so little imagination? Every
morning I look in the mirror and I feel like a
blank canvas and I choose who I want to be.
In a normal job you have to live by someone
else’s rules, but I’m in a job where my work
is play and I don’t have to pretend to be
something I’m not.
‘For me, role models are people who are
good people, I stick my tongue out because
straight photos are so boring. But even if I do
stick my tongue out, that doesn’t change the
quality of the human being inside. I’d rather
be honest and upfront; being a good person
isn’t about sitting with your legs crossed. I’m
just being who I am, which is the best
example I can be.I am an entertainer,What
would be the point if I looked like every
other singer out there? Being young, it’s
important for me to learn and grow and not
fit into a box.’ Miley opened up in an
interview with Judith Woods