BBATheChase housmate Beverly Osu finally speaks on having sex with Angelo in the BBA house..
In a recent interview, BBA The Chase
housemate, Beverly Osu talked about her sex
scandal in the house with Angelo which she
had earlier on denied the both had sex.
Catch a few excerpts below:
On Her Life Outside BBA
My life outside BBA has been wonderful. It’s
nothing I cannot handle.
On Pains and Gains
Well, I’m usually a very busy person, but it’s
just that right now, I’ve been a very unstable
person. Sometimes, I can’t even stay here in
Lagos for a week without traveling here and
there. I think that’s a good thing because
good things are coming out of it. And
apparently, there’s always the negative side
and that is mostly things that are not true that you hear about
yourself; how people see you and so on.
Some people don’t really bother about
perception, but if you’re somebody like me,
you will think about it and sometimes it will
affect your work. But I thank God that my
life has been good.
On The Sex Scene WIth Angelo
I don’t feel sorry because I was being myself.
So, I can’t say sorry to anyone who feels
disappointed. They’re living their lives and
I’m living mine. The only difference is that I
was in a house where I had to make the
platform work for me; the platform
everybody enjoyed seeing me make. If you
guys stuck to your television for 91 days only
to see my faults, then you should check
yourself because people have their faults and
it’s only people with faults that quickly
notice that in other persons. I don’t criticise
people and I don’t think people should
critisice me... no matter how you look at it,
I’m still a youth.