30 Aug 2014


How I survived Ebola – Late nurse' fiance, Dennis Akagha speaks

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Dennis Akagha, the fiance of Justina Ejelonu, the First
Consultant Hospital nurse who died after being
infected with the deadly Ebola virus by Liberian Patrick
Sawyer, in this exclusive interview with Vanguard
spoke about how his late fiancee contracted the
deadly disease, how she lost their unborn child while
battling with Ebola, and also revealed that Justina had
just landed the job at the hospital and met Sawyer on
her first day there. He also spoke on how he got
infected with the virus and how he finally got

On his relationship with the late Justina, Dennis said;
"The  truth is that Justina and I were not legally
married, we were planning for our traditional
marriage in October and she just got this job. She
was a qualified graduate nurse and got the job at the
First Consultant Hospital in Lagos. She resumed duty
at the hospital on the 21st of July, while Patrick
Sawyer was admitted at the hospital on the 20th. He
was her first patient. She was one of the nurses that
nursed him. She was pregnant and so her immune
system was weak, which made it easy for her to
contract the disease. On that first day which was a
Monday, she was having some pregnancy symptoms,
but I just encouraged her to go because it was her
first day at work. Sawyer was her first patient. The
next day, Tuesday, she didn’t work on Sawyer.
Wednesday and Thursday, she was off. Then on
Friday, Patrick Sawyer died. They didn’t know he had
Ebola, it was three days later that they realized it was
Ebola" he said
On how he found out she had contracted the deadly
virus, he said
"It was after Sawyer died that she told me she nursed
him but that she was on gloves. She even thanked
God that she didn’t have direct contact with him. The
fever continued and we thought it was just
pregnancy symptoms and even when she went to her
hospital, they confirmed the same thing. She took
drugs and ran tests, yet it persisted. At night, she
was usually cold and feverish and her body
temperature was usually very high. At a point, I
began to suspect that she had contacted the virus. I
did some research on the disease and realised that
she was having similar symptoms. On the 14th of
August, it became serious, she started stooling and
vomiting. I had to clean up everything. All of a
sudden, she started bleeding and she started crying
that she had lost the pregnancy. I had to call her
relatives and other people. The bleeding persisted
and I had to clean up everything. Initially I was not
wearing gloves because I felt I had already been
exposed to the virus. But later I cautioned myself and
started wearing nylon on my hands. But I couldn’t
stay away from her. I kept consoling her. Even when I
took her to the hospital, she wanted to hold me and I
told her to also consider my safety. She managed to
hold herself and was able to find her way out in a
pool of her blood. We chartered a taxi to the hospital,
but first, I took her to First Consultant Hospital
because I felt they should know more. When we got
there, I was directed to IGH, Yaba. I told the taxi
driver to take us there. The driver wasn’t even aware
of what was going on as he took us to Yaba.  Justina
was on the floor for 30 minutes before she was
attended to. She was screaming that she was going
to die. She was seriously bleeding, she had to come
out of the taxi and lay on the floor. I ran around,
trying to get doctors to attend to her. After everything,
they took her in, took her blood samples and the
following day, the result came out that it was Ebola.
They washed the taxi with chlorine and also bathed
the taxi driver and I with chlorine spray. At that point,
the taxi driver knew what was going on, he couldn’t
even take me home because he was so scared. I had
to look for somewhere to pass the night in the
hospital. Early the next morning, I left the Hospital.
The taxi driver is alive today, nothing happened to
him. We have been checking on him and the last time
we spoke he told me, he was fine" he said.
On what happened after he was exposed to the virus,
Dennis said;
"14 days after I was exposed to Ebola, my
temperature rose from the usual 35.2 degrees
centigrade to 37.2. The Lagos State government gave
me a thermometer the day I dropped Justina off at
the centre. It took them two straight weeks to visit my
home and to disinfect it. Before they came, I had
already done the much I could do. I used bleach and
detergent to clean the whole house, furniture and
clothes inclusive. We should be reminded and
educated that a healthy person with Ebola virus
cannot get anybody infected, except if the person is
sick and totally down with the virus like what
happened to Sawyer and to my late wife-to-be,
Justina. I contacted the virus because Justina was
very sick and I was taking care of her without any
appropriate protection. When we knew what we were
dealing with it was almost too late for me as I had
already contacted the virus" he said.
On what was done for him after his visit to the
Isolation centre, Dennis said
"The Lagos State government sent health
professionals to check on me regularly to know how l
was doing or if l had the signs of the virus
manifesting. So they used to come around to check
on me. At some point they created scenes with their
visits. I was embarrassed and I was stigmatized. I
complained severely to them that I didn’t like what
they were doing. Then, one Saturday they visited
again, I complained about the pains I was beginning
to experience; excruciating pains around my waist. I
started praying and asking people to pray for
me. Before this time, I believed in the Holy
Communion, so I usually take it daily and do feet
washing. I was going to the hospital daily to see late
Justina. Initially, I was seeing her through the
window and she would say I should take her out of
the hospital. She complained of lack of care. Perhaps,
Justina would have survived the virus, if not for the
state she was in. Her immune system was down
because she was pregnant. Along the line, she had a
miscarriage and lost the baby due to the Ebola virus
disease. The doctors, who were supposed to do an
evacuation on her couldn’t do it because they
claimed that an evacuation was too risky as she was
heavily infected and may pass on the virus to
another person. Since nothing was done even after
the bleeding had stopped, it led to more
complications for her because the already dead
foetus somehow got rotten in the womb and started
a damaging process which led to further
complication. Meanwhile, she was still stooling and
vomiting and since nobody could dare to touch her,
she was left on top of her excretions even when she
couldn’t do much for herself due to her weak state.
She was given her incisions and other drugs. I
believe if some people survived Justina should have
been one of them. At a point, I wished I was a doctor
myself; I would have taken the risk of doing the
evacuation because it really affected her".
On the last day he say his late fiancee, Dennis said
"The last day I saw her, I had to go inside the ward
because she was so unkempt as nobody attended to
her. At that time, the quarantined patients were in the
former facility where there was no water and she had
messed up herself again. I had to look for water to
clean her up, change her pampers and arrange her
bedding. Since I was aware of what I was dealing
with, I got myself protected while cleaning up the
place. I made sure she looked better than when I saw
her. Justina was shivering the last day I saw her, one
side of her stomach was already swollen, and her
legs were also swollen. I prayed for her.At a point,
she needed oxygen and the hospital couldn’t provide
it. Her friends had to provide it. That was the last day
I saw her. On Sunday Morning, I called her line like I
usually did before visiting her, but she didn’t pick her
calls. When I got to the hospital, I was told that she
was dead".
Asked if late Justina was taking his calls while she
was at the Isolation center, Dennis said;
"Yes, in fact she called me that last day and I knew
she was going to give up, because she was saying
some funny things. She said I should tell my people
to go and meet her father so as to finalize our
marriage plans, that she’s leaving that place.
Asked if he was not scared that he would die form the
illness seeing that his Fiancees health was
deteriorating, Dennis said;
"I personally don’t believe in taking medications. I
had the mentality that I wasn’t sick. I told the
government what I was experiencing. On the day they
came to pick me up for treatment, all of a sudden, my
temperature went back to normal. The shivering and
pains were all gone. So they decided that they would
be checking on me. But it got to a point people
stopped selling things to me. It was as if the
government got a report that I shouldn’t be around.
So, they came and said I should go with them that
they wanted to take my blood sample. I went with
them and they took my blood sample, I was kept in a
ward known as the ‘suspected ward. The result came
out and it was positive. I was then taken to a
confined ward. One of the doctors from UNICEF, a
white lady told me that they were having issues with
the results and that they would have to re-run the
tests. They did the tests again and it was still
positive. I told them that it wasn’t my result and that
I was healthy. I was even doing my usual exercises
(press-ups) every morning. I kept telling them that I
wasn’t sick. They took my blood sample the third
time. That night, they told me that I tested negative in
the last result and that I don’t have any reason to
remain there. That was how I was discharged" he
Speaking on what was hapening to his job as he was
under isolation, Dennis said;
"I was a marketer in an oil and gas company. I
worked on commission basis, but at a point, I
realized that people were not calling me and when I
called they won’t pick my calls. Even the person that I
report directly refused to pick my calls and also
refused to associate with me. Justina and I just got
our jobs, she got hers at First Consultant Hospital
and I got mine as a marketer with the oil and gas
On whether the government or First Consultant
Hospital owes late Justina's family some form of
compensations, Dennis said;
"Although, no amount of money they give to the
family will bring her back I think the government
owes Justina’s family a lot because she died trying
to save a situation. Justina died in active service as
her death wasn’t natural".
On how his status changed from postive to negative,
Dennis said
"I was reading a book on healing and taking of the
Holy Communion. So I learnt to take Holy Communion
morning, afternoon and night. I also engaged myself
in feet-washing every day before going to bed. The
Almighty God saved me; the Holy Spirit healed me. It
wasn’t as though l didn’t fall sick as l had direct
contact with Justina but the Almighty God healed me.
When I was discharged, I got to my house on
Saturday evening and spent two hours the next day,
Sunday, thanking God on my own. I didn’t go to
church or anywhere because of the already
established stigma but today I can confidently attend
church activities because I guess they all know I’m
free now. I know my faith and belief healed me. God
also worked for me apart from the fact that my
immune system is also working. I believe I got healed
also because friends prayed for me" he said.

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Sports: FIFA threatens to ban Nigeria Fully And Also rejects Chris Giwa as NFF President

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World football governing body FIFA has warned
Nigeria could be banned by Tuesday if an “elected”
executive committee led by Chris Giwa does not vacate
the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) office by midnight
In a letter dated Friday, August 29 and signed by FIFA
secretary general Jerome Valke, FIFA warned Giwa and
his executives to stop parading themselves as NFF
FIFA said they do not recognise the executives’ election
from Tuesday, although the global footballing body
said that “it appears the ministry of sports has
recognised them”.
“We will not recognise the outcome of the above
mentioned elections and should there still be persons
claiming to have been elected and occupying the NFF
offices at midnight on Monday 1 September 2014, we
will bring the case to the appropriate FIFA body for
sanctions, which may include the suspension of the
NFF,” read the letter addressed to NFF secretary
general Musa Amadu.
Giwa and his executives took office on Wednesday and
the following day paid a courtesy call to sports
minister Tammy Danagogo, who promptly endorsed
their election.
The immediate consequence of a FIFA ban on Nigeria
would be the African champions forfeiting two 2015
Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers fixed for September 6
against Congo in Calabar and September 10 against
South Africa in Cape Town.
The crisis caused by the purported election has meant
league matches will not be played across the country
as scheduled this weekend after referees, club
managers and players announced a boycott until the
situation is resolved.
Two months ago, Nigeria was suspended by FIFA
following direct government interference in the running
of the game in the country when a court sacked the
elected NFF executive committee led by Aminu Maigari
and the sports minister appointed a civil servant to
head the NFF.
In Friday’s letter, FIFA accepted the decision of the
majority congress where 39 of the 44 members
resolved at an ad hoc general assembly for executive
committee elections to now take place on September 4.

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Sports: FIFA threatens to ban Nigeria Fully And Also rejects Chris Giwa as NFF President

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World football governing body FIFA has warned
Nigeria could be banned by Tuesday if an “elected”
executive committee led by Chris Giwa does not vacate
the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) office by midnight
In a letter dated Friday, August 29 and signed by FIFA
secretary general Jerome Valke, FIFA warned Giwa and
his executives to stop parading themselves as NFF
FIFA said they do not recognise the executives’ election
from Tuesday, although the global footballing body
said that “it appears the ministry of sports has
recognised them”.
“We will not recognise the outcome of the above
mentioned elections and should there still be persons
claiming to have been elected and occupying the NFF
offices at midnight on Monday 1 September 2014, we
will bring the case to the appropriate FIFA body for
sanctions, which may include the suspension of the
NFF,” read the letter addressed to NFF secretary
general Musa Amadu.
Giwa and his executives took office on Wednesday and
the following day paid a courtesy call to sports
minister Tammy Danagogo, who promptly endorsed
their election.
The immediate consequence of a FIFA ban on Nigeria
would be the African champions forfeiting two 2015
Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers fixed for September 6
against Congo in Calabar and September 10 against
South Africa in Cape Town.
The crisis caused by the purported election has meant
league matches will not be played across the country
as scheduled this weekend after referees, club
managers and players announced a boycott until the
situation is resolved.
Two months ago, Nigeria was suspended by FIFA
following direct government interference in the running
of the game in the country when a court sacked the
elected NFF executive committee led by Aminu Maigari
and the sports minister appointed a civil servant to
head the NFF.
In Friday’s letter, FIFA accepted the decision of the
majority congress where 39 of the 44 members
resolved at an ad hoc general assembly for executive
committee elections to now take place on September 4.

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Sports: FIFA threatens to ban Nigeria Fully And Also rejects Chris Giwa as NFF President

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World football governing body FIFA has warned
Nigeria could be banned by Tuesday if an “elected”
executive committee led by Chris Giwa does not vacate
the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) office by midnight
In a letter dated Friday, August 29 and signed by FIFA
secretary general Jerome Valke, FIFA warned Giwa and
his executives to stop parading themselves as NFF
FIFA said they do not recognise the executives’ election
from Tuesday, although the global footballing body
said that “it appears the ministry of sports has
recognised them”.
“We will not recognise the outcome of the above
mentioned elections and should there still be persons
claiming to have been elected and occupying the NFF
offices at midnight on Monday 1 September 2014, we
will bring the case to the appropriate FIFA body for
sanctions, which may include the suspension of the
NFF,” read the letter addressed to NFF secretary
general Musa Amadu.
Giwa and his executives took office on Wednesday and
the following day paid a courtesy call to sports
minister Tammy Danagogo, who promptly endorsed
their election.
The immediate consequence of a FIFA ban on Nigeria
would be the African champions forfeiting two 2015
Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers fixed for September 6
against Congo in Calabar and September 10 against
South Africa in Cape Town.
The crisis caused by the purported election has meant
league matches will not be played across the country
as scheduled this weekend after referees, club
managers and players announced a boycott until the
situation is resolved.
Two months ago, Nigeria was suspended by FIFA
following direct government interference in the running
of the game in the country when a court sacked the
elected NFF executive committee led by Aminu Maigari
and the sports minister appointed a civil servant to
head the NFF.
In Friday’s letter, FIFA accepted the decision of the
majority congress where 39 of the 44 members
resolved at an ad hoc general assembly for executive
committee elections to now take place on September 4.

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3 hotel staff in Lagos arrested for recording customer’s sex act and blackmailing him with it

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Three hotel attendants namely, Sunday Okon, 23; Rita
Emmanuiel, 28; and Goodness Akpan 24; all staff of an
undisclosed hotel in the Ogudu area of Lagos were
on August 28th arraigned before an Ogudu
Chief Magistrate Court in Lagos for allegedly filming a
hotel customer's sex act on August 13th and using it
to blackmail him.
According to the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, the
three accused persons used the hotel's CCTV to record
an unidentified man's sex act with his girlfriend. They
produced a DVD on it and used it to demand a
N10million ransom from the man. They also posted the
video on Facebook on Aug 13th and 23rd after the
man refused to pay up.

The suspects pleaded not guilty to the charges and
were granted N100,000 bail each with two sureties of
like sum. They were moved to the Kirikiri prison pending
the time they meet their bail conditions while the case
was adjourned till September 19th.

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Senegal records first case of Ebola

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Senegal has recorded its first case of the deadly Ebola virus disease. The Senegalese Health Minister, Awa Marie Coll Seck told newsmen yesterday August 29th that the first case was a Guinean national who arrived...

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Orijin comes to party with Phyno & Burna boy! 2 cities, 3 parties! Abuja and Aba

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Week 4! And it's raised to the 4th degree. Another 3
parties planned and that’s times 3 the excitement this
Weekend as Orijin lands Abuja and Aba.
If you're partying this weekend, look out for the Orijin
parties at Cubana Nightclub, plot 130, Adetokunbo
Ademola Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja on Friday or the
Sugarland Luxury City Hotel at 84B Aba-Owerri Rd,
Umugasi Aba and Las Palma Hotel, 3 Obikabia
Junction, New Umuahia Rd-Ogbor Hill on Saturday
where you will have the Orijinal Burna in Abuja and
Phyno, on point, in Aba.

The parties so far have been
nothing short of awesome and the
atmosphere, electric. No gain
saying it, you’ve just got to be
there. Remember, it’s this weekend!
Of course, you’ll have DJ Spinall, DJ Neptune and
DJ Humility on hand to ensure the party lives all
night long. So, get on twitter, hashtag #orijinality
and be a part of the rave. It’s that simple. Tweet
at your friends with this hashtag if you want them
at the parties this weekend and remember, it’s
hashtag #orijinality all the way.
Inspired after the tradition of herbal
drinks, Orijin is an alcoholic blend
with the flavours of African herbs
and fruits combined to give a
refreshing bitter-sweet taste.
Orijin is another quality brand from
the stable of Guinness Nigeria Plc.
Remember, you’ve got to be +18 to
party with Orijin.

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29 Aug 2014



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Information coming in from Port Harcourt, Rivers State indicate that a sister of the medical doctor, Iyke Enemuo, who recently died from the Ebola virusfled to Abia State to avoid being quarantined along with others...

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28 Aug 2014


Ebola: Health Minister confirms two new cases as Doctor dies in Port Harcourt & 70 under surveillance

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Two people in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, have
contracted Ebola Virus Disease (EVD {We reported
here yesterday]), minister of health, Professor
Onyebuchi Chukwu, confirmed on Thursday. Since
Liberian-American Patrick Sawyer introduced the
virus to Nigeria on July 20, this is the first time an
Ebola case would be confirmed outside Lagos.
According to Chukwu, the total number of cases of
Ebola recorded in the country now stands at 15,
against the 13 reported on Monday. He said the two
additional cases of the disease were recorded in Port
Harcourt, where a staff member of ECOWAS who
had contact with Patrick Sawyer but evaded
surveillance, checked into a hospital in the city with
symptoms of the deadly virus.
“As of today, August 28, the total number of Ebola
cases stands at 15. Remember we told you it was 13
on Monday. But today, there have been two
additional cases in Port Harcourt,” the minister
“A man who works for ECOWAS, a primary contact
of the index case, evaded surveillance and
travelled to Port Harcourt. He became ill and he
went to hospital in Port Harcourt for treatment.
Although he recovered, the doctor who treated him
died last week. The widow of the doctor alerted us
and we investigated the case.
“It is now confirmed that the doctor died of Ebola.
His widow has been put under quarantine. The
ECOWAS staff member is also under quarantine.
There are evidence that he had the virus but might
have recovered. We cannot rule out the option that
he still has the virus.”
Chukwu disclosed that 70 people who are secondary
contacts of the two Ebola cases in Port Harcourt
have been traced and placed under surveillance.
“As it stands, 141 persons who are secondary
contacts are under surveillance in Lagos, 70 in Port
Harcourt and 6 in Enugu. 200 persons have
completed the 21 days incubation period of the
virus without developing symptoms,” he said.
“There is still only one case of virus in Lagos. The
patient is responding to treatment and may be
discharged soon.”
The minister however assured Nigerians that the
government would contain the virus, advising that
citizens should not panic.

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27 Aug 2014


Young Jeezy arrested on gun charges and murder case...[DETAILS]

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Over the weekend one person was shot and killed
backstage at Wiz Kahlifa's Under the Influence Tour
stop in Mountain View, CA.
Rapper Young Jeezy has been arrested in
connection with the case…
According to reports a 38 year-old man was shot
and killed Friday night back stage at the Shoreline
Amphitheater after the concert which included
appearances by Young Jeezy, Rich Homie Quan, Ty
Dolla $ign, Sage the Gemini, Mack Wilds, Iamsu!,
Wiz Khalifa and DJ Drama.
The unnamed suspect is described as a man in his
20's with short hair between 5'6″ and 5'8.″
Sunday night Irvine PD conducted a search warrant
on Young Jeezy's tour bus at the Verizon Wireless
Amphitheatre in connection with the shooting and
confiscated an assault rifle thought to belong to
Young Jeezy.
The rapper and five members of his entourage were
placed under arrest.
Young Jeezy is being held on $1 million bond.

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"I hid in a car boot the first time I met Genevieve Nnaji" -- Mercy Johnson

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Lol! Will Mercy Johnson ever seize to amuse us? The
Nollywood screen goddess in a recent chat with a
soft sell magazine revealed how nervous she was on
her first encounter with Genevieve Nnaji that she
had to hide in a car boot, even though she came
there to see her.
"The first time I met her, my friend took me there.
When we got to where she was, I became nervous. I
told my friend "no let me hide in your boot." And I
did. I got into her boot.
(laughs) Can you imagine I came to see her and
when I got there I wanted to run back. I jumped
into my friends boot. So, when she came out of the
hotel, I could not see her, I could only hear her
The 2nd time I saw her was on set. When she came
down and I met her she said ahh! Mercy I like
your movies and I started crying. I was in tears of
joy. I said Aunty Genevieve, so you watch my
movies. She was sort of embarrassed.
Before I met her, she had already known that there
was somebody who was crazily insane about her.
She was really nice to me, receptive. And even
whenever we work together she will correct me
and say that thing you did, you could have done it
this way.
Usually, in life, you will know somebody, who is
more than you. Give him or her that respect. You
can't fight a battle you can't win. It does not make
any sense. If somebody is much more than you,
there is nothing as big as you admitting it, and
hearing from that person.
I didn't come into the picture to compete with
anybody. I didn't come into the picture to rub
shoulders or outshine anybody. I came to learn, do
it well, make it and be there.

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23 Aug 2014


Reasons Mariah Carey dumped Nick Canon EXPOSED!

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Insiders claim Mariah Carey pulled the plug on her marriage to Nick Cannon because she was tired of him using her name to get jobs. From The Sun Our sources claim the relationship broke down...

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First Consultant Medical Center where Ebola Victim, Patrick Sawyer was treated explains how it all started

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The First Consultant Medical Center, where the
American-Liberian Patrick Sawyer was treated,
have released a press statement of all that went on
before the death of the Ebola victim.
In the interest of our patients, staff, the general
public the nation at large we state the following:
A 40-years old gentleman came into the hospital
with symptoms suggestive of Malaria (fever,
headache, extreme weakness) on Sunday night
(20th July 2014). He was fully conscious and gave
us his clinical history and told us he is a Senior
Diplomat from Liberia. Laboratory investigations
confirmed malaria whilst other test for HIV,
Hepatitis B&C were negative. He was admitted and
treatment commenced.
However, due to the fact that he was not
responding to treatment but rather was developing
haemorrhagic symptoms we further questioned
him. He denied having been in contact with any
persons with EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) at home, in
any hospital or at any burial.
In spite of this denial we immediately decided to do
the following:
1. To conduct further tests for possible
Infectious Haemorrhagic Disease, especially
EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE, based on the fact that
he was a Liberian citizen and the recent
outbreak of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE in that
2. We immediately isolated/quarantined the
patient, commenced barrier nursing and
simultaneously contacted the Lagos State
Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry
of Health to enquire where further laboratory
tests could be performed as we had a high
index of suspicion of possible EBOLA VIRUS
4. The initial test results from LUTH
laboratory indicated a signal of possible
5. We then took the further step of reaching
out to Senior Officials in the office of the
Secretary of Health of the United States of
America who promptly assisted us with
contacts at the centres for Disease Control
(CDC) and World Health Organisation
Regional Laboratory Centre in Senegal.
6. Working jointly with the State, Federal
Agencies and International Agencies, we were
able to obtain confirmation of EBOLA VIRUS
Center Lab-Senegal/Redeemes lab/LUTH
7. The gentleman subsequently died on
Friday at a 6.50 (25th July, 2014)
8. All agencies were promptly notified and in
consultation with W.H.O, Regional EBOLA
VIRUS DISEASE Centre in Conakry, Guinea
and Best Practices, the following was
a. Orderly temporarily shut down of the
hospital with immediate evacuation of in
house patients
b. The appropriate professional removal of
the body and its incineration under W.H.O.
guidelines, witnessed by all appropriate
9. Having concluded the above, it is now
appropriate to give this press release in the
interest of our patient, staff, the general
public and the nation at large.
10. In keeping with W.H.O, guidelines,
hospital is shut down briefly as full
decontamination exercise is currently in
progress W.H.O. guidelines.
In conclusion, working with the STATE,
we were able to identify and confirm the
diagnosis of the EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE. We
hope that by our action of preventing this
gentleman from being extracted from our
hospital and traveling to Calabar we have
been able to prevent the spread of EBOLA
The Board and Management of the Hospital
wish to thank all our staff members for their
diligence and professionalism.

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22 Aug 2014


Keshi tired of waiting on NFF

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Stephen Keshi has announced his decision to walk away from the Nigeria national team head coach job because of a delay in contract negotiations. The former defender's contract with the Super Eagles ended after the...

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21 Aug 2014


'I'm ashamed, shocked & heartbroken,' Jackie Chan says after son's drug arrest

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Legendary actor Jackie Chan has expressed his shock and heartbreak over the recent arrest of his 31 year old son, Jaycee Chan, who was picked up & detained last Thursday after 100 grams of marijuana...

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19 Aug 2014


American Ambassador praises FG on Ebola as they reveal why Nano-Silver cannot be used

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reasons why it withheld its approval for the Anti-
Ebola drug -- Nano-Silver produced by a Nigerian
scientist in the Diaspora.
While speaking with the American Ambassador to
Nigeria, Mr James Entwistle, in his office yesterday,
the minister revealed that the experimental drug,
was withheld because it did not meet the
requirements of the National Health Research Ethics
In response to the minister, the ambassador, Mr
James Entwistle expressed his satisfaction in the way
the nation has been handling the Ebola crisis so far.
"You have all seen the headlines over the weekend,
this is an issue that we have to keep working hard
on, it may be with us for a while but there are some
encouraging signs.
"Your government is doing a good job on contact
tracing; I noticed when I flew back here on
Thursday night into the country, before I left the
plane I filed in the questionnaire.
"I was very impressed because I had to put in my
seat number which is a very good idea, so that if you
have to trace the guy who was seating next to me
you will know where I am.
"I have been very impressed by this thing so I
encourage the government of Nigeria to keep at it,
which I know they will,'' he said.

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13 Aug 2014


Breaking: Ebola Goes Out Of Control As 21 Quarantined In Enugu - Fg

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The Federal Government has confirmed further
spread of ebola virus in the country, saying 21
persons are being currently quarantined in enugu
Information Minister Labaran Maku disclosed this
to State House journalists today after the Federal
Executive Council (fec) meeting chaired by
President Goodluck Jonathan.
He noted that the four-hour fec meeting was
devoted to discussions on the progress being
made in combating ebola in the country.
He said the government had so far traced 198
persons that had primary and secondary contacts
with Patrick Sawyer who brought the virus to
Nigeria from Liberia.
According to the minister, 177 of those persons
are in Lagos; while 21 are in enugu.
He said the 21 persons being quarantined in
enugu were those who had contacts with a female
nurse that had primary contact with Sawyer in
The minister explained that the nurse disobeyed
medical instructions and traveled to enugu.
He said: "All those who had primary contact (with
Sawyer) have been quarantined. Secondary
contacts have also been traced.
"So far, the number of people that have been
traced is 198. Out of this number, 177 are in
Lagos and have been traced. Some are in
quarantine, some are being monitored by health
"21 persons in enugu are also being watched.
This is because one of the nurses that was
involved with the treatment of the index case
unfortunately, disobeyed medical instructions and
somehow traveled to enugu. All those who she
was in contact with, including her husband, are
under quarantine. The medical teams have been
able to trace all those who made contact with
Maku said health workers had been deployed to
all the border units in the country, adding that "All
the entry points into this country and exit points,
we've port health workers that are working in our
airports and seaports. We're calling on citizens
specifically to cooperate. If health workers say
you've had contact with A,B,C, don't move to
anywhere, respect that judgment. It's very
important. In one or two cases where we've had
disobedience, we lost one of them and this one
now moved with it to another place (enugu).
"So, we are urging Nigerians, please to help us in
making sure that all these messages and appeals
we're making on you, we implement them".
Maku said in terms of possible treatment, the
Ministry of Health had set up a special committee
specifically to take claims from Nigerians who
believed they could help.
"And so far, we've had a lot of reports from
Nigerians at home and abroad who came forward
to say they've possibility of developing therapies
that could help in fighting the virus. There is no
cure so far anywhere in the world. Even the trial
drug in the US is still a trial drug, it has not been
"One of the doctors and research experts that
came forward was Dr Simon Agwale who has
been one of the frontline global researchers on
developing vaccines for HIV and other viral
diseases. He also came forward and said he could
help, both in terms of working out to develop a
vaccine which he said he has started work on
between himself and his fellow experts in the US
and he said this is ongoing. The minister of
health has given support and directed him to the
committee. He also discussed the possibility of
certain therapies they can now use which could
be applied. And again, that's being discussed.
And once it's approved, it could be used".
The minister also disclosed that the United States
was yet to respond to the Nigeria's request for
trial drugs for the treatment of ebola victims.
"We are still hoping that the US will grant our
request for the trial drugs. So, our request is still
on course", he said.
According to him, Nigeria has responded to the
outbreak of ebola with the best international
standard by declaring emergency and putting
measures in place to prevent further spread.
He said only two of the 10 Nigerians who had so
far tested positive to the virus had died; while
others were still undergoing treatment.
"We've developed a communication plan under
implementation using traditional media---radio,
newspapers and TV--to educate citizens on Eboa.
Part of the measures is advocacy visits to groups,
road transport workers and owners in order to
sensitise Nigerians especially on the need for
strict hygienic measures. We're pleased with
cooperation from religious leaders. People no
longer place holy communion on people's
mouths. We've introduced laboratory screens at
worship centres. We're urging continued vigilance
at worship places.
"We're also pleading with people who've contact
with any known case to quickly report to health
centres to save other people's lives. The reason
for reporting doesn't mean you've contracted the
disease, it's just to keep you under observation.
Most people have survived because they reported
early enough and got quick intervention.
Efforts have been made to provide personal
protective equipment for health workers", he said.
The minister dismissed the claim that cases of
ebola had been reported in Abuja, saying "we
pray it doesn't happen".
He cautioned the media against unverified reports
which, he said could fuel anxiety and damage the
country's image.
Maku also warned those spreading rumours that
could endanger public health, saying they could
be traced and prosecuted.

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